Pas lagi buka buka Friendster, gw baca Bulletin Board yang judulnya 'Why Girls Shouldn't Cheat On Boys'. Isinya gini:
There was once a guy named Jack who had a girlfriend named Ashley.
Ashley was the most popular girl in school.
The three mostpopularguys were Tom, Jack, and Marcus.
Ashley thought of Jack as OKAY, but she REALLY liked Marcus.
Marcus liked Ashley also.Well of course he did, every one did!
Marcus and Jack were worst enemies.
Marcus tried to steal Ashley away everytime he had a chance to.
One day, Marcus asked Ashley if she wanted to go to the movies.
Jack heard everything....what movie theatre and what time.
Jack approached the movies that night and followed Ashley and Marcus.
Jack sat right behind them.
He watched them get close to each other and kiss
Not only kiss, but practically get it on in the theatre.
Marcus told ashley "Do you want to come to my place and skip this boring movie?"
She replied "hell yeah."
Jack had peeked through Marcus' window.
Ashley and him were messing around and then they had sex.
Jack watched the whole thing.
The next day at school Jack wasn't there.
For the next few days Jack wasn't there.
A week later his mother found him in his closet dead.
He commited suicide because he had loved Ashley so much.
Next to Jack's dead body was a note.
A note that read:
My dearest Ashley, I watched you at the movie and at Marcus' house and I will continue watching you. I never thought you would do something like this to me. I really loved you, Ashley. I died for you just like Jesus died for us. Always with you, Jack
Please foward this or Jack will haunt you and try to kill you because he wants everyone to know about Marcus. Thank you. Please Scroll Down.
['In loving Memory of']
**Jack Halagey**
What Jack did to one person who did not send this:
One girl was looking through her e-mail and she ['deleted'] this message thinking it was another silly forward. The next day she
['found dead in']
['her bed']
['Of course u don't have to send this but I think Jack Halagey' will come soon to get you like tonight when you are still awake just sitting in bed']
['found dead in']
['her bed']
['Of course u don't have to send this but I think Jack Halagey' will come soon to get you like tonight when you are still awake just sitting in bed']
Repost this as `why girls shouldn't cheat on boys or u will lose the one u love.
If you don't believe Jack Halagey on google and you'll see him there
Karena penasaran, gw coba googling. 'Jack Halagey'. Yang menarik adalah, dari 10 halaman hasil temuan Google, semuanya me-refer ke cerita yang sama. Jack kan nama yang sangat umum sekali, tapi entah kenapa gak ada hasil lain. Gw coba search 'Halagey'. Hasilnya juga itu smua. *Gw baru tau gada yang punya nama keluarga Halagey* Selain Jack Halagey, ada juga nama Ashley Halagey. Ternyata ada versi cewenya lho. Di cerita ini yang mati Ashley-nya. Pacarnya Ashley tetep Jack. Tapi yang bikin gw bingung, jadi Jack sama Ashley adek-kakak? Kok nama keluarganya sama? Gw juga menemukan beberapa link ke foto yang judulnya 'Ashley Halagey's Suicide'. Tapi pas gw coba ternyata link-nya gak bisa dibuka.
Gw dari dulu emang gak suka tuh crita-crita ada yang mati dan harus di forward-in. Ngerepotin doang. Tapi berhubung gw orangnya sangat parno, ya gw ikutan nge-forward. Cewe cewe, ati ati sama Jack. Cowo cowo, ati ati sama Ashley.
Postingan yang kurang penting.